We faced various issues previously in creating a plan for logistics websites. Gleexa solved them, and there was an instant increase in the revenue ratio.
Mara Soriano
Industry – Logistics
Service – Progressive Web App development
Platforms – Mobile, Tablets, Desktop
Technology – Flutter
Country – Australia
Duration – 3.5 Months
About the Brand
We developed a PWA using Flutter which is an online logistics platform. This platform is intended for cargo owners, logistics companies, and drivers to track, move, and pay for the movement of medium, small and hefty goods.
Business Objective/Project Background
When it’s a matter of logistics of specific hefty consignments, the main need is a trusted partner. The client was frequently facing this issue several times which canceled and delayed many activities time and time again.
The vision of the client was a smooth solution different from other logistics solutions. Almost every owner be it cargo owners, to logistic companies, and their personal assets like drivers and vehicles are verified manually by verification partners. Besides, only verified assets and companies can provide logistics services to cargo owners.
- Designed and develop the client’s logistics website from scratch.
- Adding additional features like location services, promotional codes, etc.
- Combining flutter wave and coordinating with the third party for support.
- Ensuring that the maps and the geographical data were updated and correct.
- Applying for instant money transfer with the APIs.
- Dealing correctly with variable internet availability in various parts of the UK.
- Managing security protocols for every monetary transaction.
Key Features
- Recharge wallet
- Live to track
- Easy payments
- Order management
- Bid management
- Asset management
- Verification partner
Our Solution
We built the website on an accelerated timeline, permitting the client to quickly launch the website and begin winning back market share. The website’s success gave the client’s in-house development team the great confidence they required to develop the best website version on their own.
- More than 80 logistics companies registered themselves on this website.
- More than 50 verification partners registered on the website to earn extra.
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