Backend Development Services Provider

A blonde-haired woman is standing in an office holding a laptop.

Nurture the Potential of Modern Backend Solutions With Gleexa.

The Technologies Behind Every Web and Mobile App: Backend

Did you know the backend is the brain that drives your mobile and web apps? Backend development is one of the most crucial aspects of an application, as the majority of mobile and web applications need a server-side backend to perform and manage data.

We serve the best backend for web development services by leveraging the backend capabilities to develop web backends and applications that are secure, flawless, and of course, offer high-blazing performance!

Technically, backend development entails writing, refining, and deploying complex server-side code. To achieve this, you’ll need a professional backend development company like Gleexa that can utilize libraries, write complex functional protocols, and create other deep components crucial for architectural consistency and an operational structure.

PHP Projects Done
25 +
Python Projects Done
5 +
NodeJS Projects Done
2 +

Types of Backend development services we offer

Our Expertise Encircles the Following Backend Development Services

We are a renowned backend app development company offering global businesses specialized solutions to scale digital capabilities and embrace next-gen opportunities.

Our Network Size

Dedicated Talents
50 +

Hire Talent


Top Remote Talents

2 %

Cost Advantage

20 %

Globally Serve

Happy Clients
15 +

Are you excited to level up your app capabilities?

Creating an impressive backend by writing efficient server-side code to upscale your web development.

Advantages of Backend Development

Benefits of Using Backend as a Service

The backend manages web apps’ “behind the scenes” operations by collaborating with the front end to deliver a seamless user experience.

Validates & Exchanges Information

To access the user interface of a website, each visitor must enter their login details. The backend validates the user's login information and password and saves any information into the databases.

Multiple Environment Customization

Today, businesses set up websites and other internet features in various environments. For instance, some run their internet operations in the cloud, while others run their sites on internet servers.

Improves User Experience

A website's ability to provide a good user experience will depend on the quality of the backend code. Backend bugs might cause a site may crash, operate slowly, or experience other performance issues.

Technologies We Use

Our Tech Expertise

Our dedicated talents revamp your growth funnel by integrating modern technology and digital tools.


It is a popular general-purpose programming language that is quick, object-oriented, and interactive, is made to have straightforward and readable code, and uses a simpler syntax than PHP.


It is the lightweight, interpreted, and most widely client-side programming language for scripting web pages. JavaScript is used to make dynamic and interactive web applications and browsers.


It is a cross-platform development for running websites, services, and console apps on macOS, Linux, and Windows. .NET is compatible with a variety of operating systems and .NET implementations.


PHP offers unrivaled development opportunities for creating solid digital experiences that improve brand-customer relationships. We have a skilled team of core PHP and CMS specialists that built specialized eCommerce stores websites, apps, and portals.

Backend Development Process

From Project Requirement Analysis To Deployment

We provide the best backend for web development by utilizing our backend development process, which offers scalable backend solutions for mobile, web, desktop, and IoT systems.

  • Access your technical needs
  • Understand your business goals
  • Scope of work
  • Send a proposal
  • Get an approval
  • Create logical design
  • Create physical design
  • Define resources along with their states
  • Identify the suitable methods 
  • Create a state machine diagram
  • Define relevant API endpoints
  • Outline API documentation
  • Create API design
  • Development testing
  • Use-case testing
  • Usability testing 
  • Validate API’s functionalities
  • Fix the issues
  • Successful deployment
  • Constant monitoring
  • User Feedback
  • Post-maintenance support

Reasons to choose us as your backend development company

How Do Gleexa Backend Web Development Services Help Your Business?

Gleexa is a full-cycle backend app development company with a track record of successfully delivering projects, which in turn help our clients to unlock their digital transformation opportunities.

End-to-end Security

Want to safely transfer data between various parts of your systems or apps? Our backend web development services offer solutions equipped with protective measures ensuring data protection both in transit and at rest.

Agile Technology Adaption

You might be looking for a backend development company that utilizes time-tested and innovative technologies. We have an experienced developers team competent in backend languages, frameworks, and advanced technologies.

Detail-oriented Development Process

Do you agree that every product is unique and requires a different approach? Gleexa, known for being the best backend for web development, builds a digital product that aligns with evolving business demands.

Trusted Companies
0 +

Which hiring model is right for you?

Explore Our Flexible Project Engagement Models

Look at the hiring models below to know which hiring model is the best for your business.

Dedicated Team

In this model, Gleexa will provide resources to you full-time for your project and you have to pay for them on a per-month basis.

Time & Material

This model is suitable for those who don’t have a clear roadmap about the project. In which you only have to pay on hourly basis.

Fixed Cost Model

In this model, Under a fixed budget resources will be assigned to complete your project and you have to pay that fixed cost. 

Learn more about Backend Development

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn about the most commonly asked questions mentioned below that address your doubts and give you in-depth knowledge of Backend development.

Every project needs a different set of backend technologies. As a result, there are no universal backend languages. Some of the most well-liked choices for server-side development include JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Scala, and other programming languages.

Gleexa is the leading backend development company that harnesses the power of the best programming language and pairs your project with the best tech stacks to enable faster development, scalability options, and responsiveness of the application.

Here are the following paramount reasons that you need a backend

1. One of the obvious reasons is hosting so that your users can have access to your site in the end.

2. The backend plays a vital role in making users easily do transactions.

3. The backend can help users to protect the information that has been shared over a network. Also, help your business to keep track of who enters and locks your important assets.

4. The website’s back end ensures users get the right information quickly.

Cost estimation is crucial before starting backend development. After all, businesses must turn a profit, and the cost of creating a backend must be reasonable.

However, the cost of developing a robust backend depends on a number of parameters such as project scope, functionalities, no of developers, time duration, and revisions.

Gleexa backend development services utilizing API tools to deploy and maintain applications in scalable and secure environments at competitive prices.

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